Introducing the Fox House Blend
Our Fox House Blend cigars have been created by James J Fox, specifically for us, the British, European and Asian cigar market, but to be enjoyed by cigar aficionados all over the world.
Our journey began with a clear objective: to create a cigar that delivers complexity of flavours, with evolution through every stage. We gathered a sampling team of six with more than 100 years of combined experience in the cigar industry to curate a blend that stands apart from other cigars currently in the market.
With this brief set, we collaborated with Oscar Valladares and Hamlet Paredes to source the tobacco and oversee the production. After numerous blending and sampling sessions during a development period of more than two years - including Director Rob Fox's trips to Central America – we unanimously agreed on this exceptional blend.
We are particularly proud of the fact that we will be continuing the tradition of generations gone by – blending, importing, and bringing to market cigars specially tailored to our customers preferences.
We had a clear idea for what we wanted to achieve, setting out to deliver a core profile of leather, with the umami contrast enhancing the accents of sweetness. At the same time, we knew that we wanted to ensure the predominant flavour was not pepper - which is often attributed to cigars from Nicaragua, especially.
Tasting Notes
The cigars have a high-quality, substantial Colorado wrapper; rich and oily. As the cigar warms up it delivers flavour of sweet, spice and earthiness. The draw is perfect; unimpeded yet still requiring a slight effort.
As the cigar progresses it remains sweet and earthy also developing grassy notes with spice. Hints of minerality and clean tobacco lingers as a defined aftertaste. Towards the end of the cigar sweetness is still present with a contrasting pleasant bitterness like dark chocolate, also delicate leather undertones.
Just like anything that comes from the earth, terroir is pivotal to flavour and profile, so it is for this reason we decided to focus on Honduras. The cigars were expertly rolled in Danlí, at the factory of world-renowned producer and blender Oscar Valladares with wrappers and binders made from Honduran tobacco and filler a mixture of Honduran and Nicaraguan. Overseeing the process regarding the specific blend and the quality control during production was Hamlet Paredes, the celebrated cigar roller. As you would expect from a cigar created by two of the biggest professionals in the industry - Hamlet and Oscar - the construction of these cigars is flawless, and the burn consistency has been immaculate.
Paying homage to our long-standing history at 19 St James’s Street as merchants of the finest tobacco, you will be intrigued by the traditional presentation of our cigars. Exuding an aura of nostalgia, they forgo bands and boxes, instead adorned with a simple yellow ribbon — symbolic of a bygone era when cigars were showcased and sold like this.
This, our first batch, comes in the following formats:
Fox House Blend Robusto – (4 7/8” x 50)
Fox House Blend Cañonazo – (6” x 52)
Fox House Blend Churchill – (7’’ x 47) (Arrives in october)
The Robusto, the staple vitola for every cigar brand, was the only place to start. Many of the iconic cigars come in this size and, typically, has been suited for anyone from seasoned enthusiast to novice.
Premium handmade cigars have become an incredibly desired commodity in recent times, beyond its exponential growth. There are many factors in selecting cigars: flavour profile, its luxury connotations, availability, cost or trends – every person is different. What we endeavour to achieve is to make the pleasure of savouring handcrafted cigars constantly accessible with the premium reflected in the quality, not the price.
We take pride in presenting the only cigars currently in production that have been conceived and developed exclusively for the discerning UK palate. We believe the evolution of flavour to be fundamental to achieving this, as well as ensuring the level of burn consistency and construction synonymous with New World cigars. During our sampling of the final product, we were confident that the cigar has met the specification. We are excited for cigar enthusiasts all over the world to enjoy our latest foray into the UK cigar market.
The Fox House Blend marks a new chapter in the pursuit of cigar excellence. We invite you to embark on this remarkable journey with us and discover the unrivalled pleasure that awaits.