James J Fox are delighted to introduce a new collection of cigars, the Fox House Blend. Demonstrating our desire to create exceptional cigar experiences, this collection signifies another landmark occasion in our illustrious history as one of the world’s most distinguished cigar merchants. Our Fox House Blend cigars have been created by James J Fox, specifically for us, the British...
Our great friends at Tor Imports celebrated 30 years of business this past autumn. Whether Nicaragua, Dominican Republic, Honduras, Mexico or other nationality, Tor has worked tirelessly to introduce and embed them into the UK cigar market. They are the forerunners of importing and distributing New World Cigars in the UK, with the widest selection of brands and products. We...
We've made this sampler for cigar enthusiasts who enjoy their smokes with a whisky. Ultimately this is a sampler with four cigars with, at least, a medium-to-full flavour profile. The whisky is not included!! We’ve also kept the whisky choice to bottles under £100. Whisky with cigars is not for everyone’s taste, and we understand that. The profiles of whisky...
As Christmas steadily approaches, you may be at a loss as to what to get the special people in your life. This year, instead of a tie, cufflinks or a bottle of whiskey, why not give the gift of cigars? Whether the recipient is new to the world of fine cigar smoking or is a cigar aficionado, there is no...
Whether it’s a young man taking his first venture into the world of cigar smoking, or a finely aged, cigar aficionado reaching one of life’s milestones, there is no greater gift for a gentleman’s birthday than the gift of cigars. Whilst a bottle of whiskey, a new set of golf clubs or a beautiful watch might make a fine gift...
Valentine's day is around the corner, and it can be a stressful time of the year for those who are unsure what to get their loved one. At James J. Fox, we are here to help! If you know someone who is a lover of cigars, we have the perfect gift for you. We have a variety of some of the...
‘Tis the season to be jolly… almost. It is true, the festive period is creeping up on us and those of you who are particularly keen may already be enjoying Christmas music and festive foods. But, there is still time to get your naughty and nice list in order and prepare for the season of giving. Here at James J...