When choosing a cigar to smoke, there are many things to take into consideration, and if you are new to the world of cigar smoking, the language can be a little confusing. So, rather than remaining confused about the ins and outs of cigars, take a look at the first in our Cigar 101 series where we will discuss cigar sizes.

The Ring Gauge

The ring gauge is the term that is used to refer to the diameter of a cigar. This is measured in 64ths of an inch, so a 64-ring cigar would have a diameter of an inch, making it a relatively large cigar. However, the largest ring gauge we stock is a whopping 70-ring cigar – The Inch Maduro 7 Cigar! Along with the length of the cigar, the ring gauge has a huge impact on the smoking time you can enjoy with a cigar. For example, our 70-ring cigar has an average smoking time of over an hour compared to a 30-ring cigar which has a smoking time of fewer than 20 minutes. The ring gauge can also have an effect on the smoking experience. This is due to the way air interacts with the burning tip – the larger the ring gauge, the more that it is exposed to air, giving a slower, and sometimes a more even smoke.
Burning Cigar

The Length

When talking about the length of a cigar, the measurement is taken in inches. Cigars tend to be from 3 inches in length to 7 inches. While lengths can vary, most cigar manufacturers tend to stick to a standard length when making cigar types. Different cigar lengths can play different roles for a cigar smoker. For example, for a special occasion, the smoker may wish to extend the length of time spent smoking the cigar, so one with a greater length may be the best choice.

The Vitola

In cigar terms, the vitola refers to the shape of a cigar, often taking into consideration the length and ring gauge of the cigar. For example, the Churchill is very similar in shape to the Panatela, however, a Churchill will usually have a ring gauge of between 47 and 49 and will usually have a length of 7 inches. The Panatela, on the other hand, has a much smaller ring gauge of around 38. The length and ring gauge of a particular vitola can alter from cigar to cigar, but they are often similar sizes.

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The size of cigar you choose depends on your cigar smoking experience as well as the situation. For example, a beginner may get on better with a slim ring gauge for their first cigar smoking experience. The Romeo Y Julieta Petit Julietas are a great choice for a beginner due to their 30-ring gauge and relatively short 4-inch length. Pairing that with their mild strength and 20 minute smoking time, this cigar makes for a great first experience. A more experienced cigar smoker, on the other hand, can experiment a little with the larger cigars that can take upwards of an hour to smoke. The Aging Room M356 Major Cigars have a 60-ring gauge and are 6 ½ inches in length, making it particularly large. A cigar of such size is often a popular choice for weddings and other special occasions when the smoker wishes to spend time appreciating the cigar. No matter whether you are a beginner of an aficionado, here at James J Fox we can help you to find the perfect cigar (including helping you to choose the right strength and flavours). Whether you are looking to buy small cigars or big cigars, you can visit us in store or contact us by calling 0207 9303787  to speak to a member of our friendly team. Make sure to check us out on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Instagram to keep up to date with all our latest news and events.