Cigar 101: Flavours
Our Cigar 101 series aims to be a comprehensive guide to the world of cigars. After discussing the size and strength of cigars (as well as their anatomy), we are now turning our attention to the rich and complex field of cigar flavours. We are not referring to cigars infused with artificial flavour, but the natural taste of a good smoke.
Cigar lovers know that different cigars have different tastes and can even distinguish the brands after a few draws; flavour is incredibly important in cigars and a lot of different elements work together to create something specific and unique to that brand or cigar.
You can also use names of drinks to describe a specific flavour, like espresso and French Roast, and even fruit terms like apples and grapes. Other terms that are equally popular but unrelated to food include acidic, woody and bitter.
Some of the most popular flavours include:
We offer a vast range of cigars with exceptional flavours at James J Fox, so we are confident that you will find a new addition to your collection. Enjoy the intricate and multifaceted nature of our stunning cigars and contact us if you wish to learn more about their flavours or to enquire about our accessories and gifts for cigar lovers.
Cigar Flavours
There are many different ways to describe and classify flavours, although every cigar lover will describe them differently. Most smokers, whether they are experienced or new to the cigar world, know that a way to describe cigar flavours is through food terms. In fact, you may have come across many of them already. Words like spicy, vanilla and nutmeg are commonly used to describe cigar flavours and understood by aficionados everywhere. As an example, the Montecristo Media Corona possesses an earthy flavour whilst still remaining light in body. It is less peppery and spicy than other cigars from the brand, but you can still easily detect a coffee bean and leather note. The uniqueness of flavour makes this cigar a one-of-a-kind smoke.- Grass – often found in milder cigars
- Tea – a rare flavour that is usually found in aged smokes
- Wood – this includes several different types of flavours, like cedar and oak
- Cumin – a smoky and musky flavour
- Liquorice – this flavour is typically found when finishing a great cigar
- Orange – a recognisable flavour present in many cigars
- Walnut – this nutty flavour is slightly dry on the palate