For every special occasion, there’s a cigar in the celebration of the event. Whether this be for weddings or parties, or celebrating the birth of a child, a cigar is the best way to commemorate. Being cigar lovers, we at James J. Fox have compiled a list of seven top occasions for smoking cigars.


Weddings are one of the best occasions for smoking cigars. You can celebrate whilst surrounded by family and friends, peacefully enjoying the exquisite taste of a hand rolled cigar. Weddings are one of the most traditional occasions to smoke a cigar and express the celebration of the day perfectly. At James J. Fox we have a large variation of cigars, from Cuban cigars to Dominican cigars, which can help you celebrate this special day.


Birthdays and cigars are a combination that fit well together, especially if it happens to be your own! This is a day for celebration and what better way to celebrate than with a cigar. If it is your own birthday that you are celebrating, take a look at our extensive range of cigar accessories – don’t forget to drop hints to all of your friends and family! Alternatively, if you know a cigar lover, have a look at the amazing cigar gifts that we have available at James J. Fox; from the suave Colibri Rally Lighter’s to the sophisticated Xikar VX2 V Cutter, there are plenty of options available to excite the keen cigar lover.


The birth of a child is traditionally a prime time for bringing out the cigars. As a close second to weddings, it is customary for the new father to pass around cigars to friends and family. As a new baby is brought into the world, a cigar is to be smoked in celebration – the Cohiba Mini’s are ideal for such an occasion, as the expertly made cigars deliver an easy draw and delicious taste.

Bachelor/Bachelorette Party

These parties seem a little rarer than others, and if you’ve landed an invite to a bachelor or bachelorette party, it’s an idea to bring cigars. Lighting up a cigar for pre-game festivities, or ending with one as a nightcap is the perfect occasion to smoke a cigar. Why not impress your company with the Montecristo Open Junior? A quicker smoking time than some, yet still packing an abundance of pleasant flavours including spices and a touch of leather finish these stunning little cigars. Take this one step further by expertly pairing your cigar with the perfect liquor, as previously discussed on our blog post about cigar and liquor pairings. Cigars from J.J. Fox

Career Advancements

Whether you have found yourself a new job or you’ve finally managed to land that big promotion you’ve been working hard to achieve, a cigar is a brilliant way to celebrate. Advancements in your career call for celebration, and what better way to celebrate your achievement than with the taste of your favourite cigar in hand. Treat yourself to the James J. Fox Indulgence Gift Set which contains four delightful cigars packed with flavour, and three delicious chocolate bars that compliment these flavours acutely.

Poker Night

Cigars are almost a given at regular poker night gatherings. Although this may seem cliché or stereotypical, there is a reason people are often depicted enjoying a cigar during these moments; you’re in good company, you’re enjoying the thrill of the game, and you’re not in a hurry to get anywhere, letting you enjoy the atmosphere and the taste of your cigar. For a poker night, we would recommend a cigar that smokes a bit longer, such as the Bolivar Belicosos Finos. The near perfect young cigar is full bodied yet smooth, containing signature heavy notes with many underlying delicate qualities – find out more about the iconic brand here. Poker night is complete with a J.J. Fox cigar New Year’s Eve New Year’s Eve is synonymous with celebrations, parties and ushering in a brand new and exciting year. With this occasion only coming around once a year, celebrating with your favourite cigar in hand is a great way to welcome new adventures and experiences. For such a special occasion, you will want a special cigar to match – try the Hoyo de Monterrey Epicure Especial, which some refer to as one of Cuba’s finest cigars. Here at James J.Fox, we stock a variety of famous cigars, ready for that special occasion. Tempted? We have all of the above and many more available on our website, with further information to help you make that all important decision. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with a member of our team if you would like to learn more.