Spotlight On: Davidoff Cigars
We’re proud to offer a vast selection of cigars from countries all over the world at James J. Fox. From Cuba to Nicaragua, Dominican Republic to Switzerland, and everywhere in-between, our smokes are made from high-quality tobacco and span a range of flavours and aromas.
Davidoff cigars are a great example of this. They’re the brand of choice for many cigar aficionados, because each and every single cigar is unique and distinct in flavour – yet they share a familiar thread that immediately tells you they’re clearly a Davidoff.
Below, we take a look at what makes these cigars so popular amongst smokers.
The History of Davidoff Cigars
Davidoff is a Swiss premium brand of cigars located in Basel, Switzerland. The cigars are crafted in the Dominican Republic and Honduras, and the tobacco itself comes from several different countries, such as the Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, Brazil and Mexico.
The name ‘Davidoff’ comes from its founder, Zino Davidoff, who eventually became known as ‘King of Cigars’. He was born in 1906 in Ukraine, which was part of the Russian Empire at the time, and moved to Switzerland at just five years old. His father was a cigar merchant, and the family opened a tobacco shop in 1912 that became very popular; according to some, it even served Vladimir Lenin, who was exiled in Switzerland.
When Zino was 19, he travelled around Latin America and gained a deeper understanding of tobacco and cigars, which he applied to the family business by creating new blends and inventing new ways to store tobacco and cigars (ultimately creating the conventional humidor). Zino became the owner of the shop in 1929 and, in 1947, he produced the first Davidoff cigar lines, the ‘Château’ and the ‘Grand Cru’, inspired by wines of Bordeaux.
Originally, Davidoff cigars were manufactured in Cuba. In 1967, he was approached by Cubatabaco, a state-owned tobacco company that intended to produce their own personal brand of Davidoff cigars. Zino’s tobacco store was small but incredibly successful by the time it was sold to the Mac Oettinger company in 1970.
However, in 1991, Cuban production of Davidoff smokes stopped completely after a disagreement over brand ownership rights. In 1989, before the official end of his relationship with Cuba, Zino made a public protest – and statement – by burning more than one hundred thousand of his cigars, supposedly due to lack of quality. Zino carried on being an ambassador to Davidoff cigars until his death in 1994.
Today, Davidoff cigars subscribe to the motto of living ‘The Good Life’, perfect for those “looking to take time to experience all the nuances of pleasure” that life offers.
Davidoff Cigars
Sophistication and refinement are words often associated with Davidoff cigars. They’re crafted by experts with a passion for producing the highest quality cigars with potent flavours. Perfect for both the beginner and the experienced smoker, Davidoff maintains a well-defined standard of quality and excellence in all of its smokes.
The tobacco used for the brand’s cigars is grown in rich soils and beautiful climatic conditions, creating perfectly balanced cigars, bursting with flavour. Only the best leaves are chosen and go through four years of aging, which helps to give Davidoff cigars the smooth taste and wonderful aromas they’re known for.
Both The Late Hour Robusto and The Late Hour Churchill, which we stock here at James J. Fox, flawlessly represent the luxurious appeal of the brand. This line was inspired by Sir Winston Churchill and created to be the perfect companion during the twilight hours. The tobacco used is matured in Scotch single malt whisky casks for six months, which intensifies the flavour and the sweetness of the cigars. We also offer Davidoff Mini Cigarillos Silver, designed for those who prefer a shorter and lighter smoke.
Smooth, aromatic and contemporary, Davidoff cigars have a refined and distinctive taste that will take you on a journey of gorgeous flavours and fragrances. If you wish to purchase Davidoff smokes or buy Cuban cigars online, browse the entire range on our website.
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